
Provides Vend API integration for SilverStripe

Installs: 1 701

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 3

Watchers: 23

Forks: 3


v1.0.0 2015-08-21 04:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-08 08:27:05 UTC


#Silverstripe Vend API integration This is basically a wrapper for the VendAPI package by @brucealdridge for Silverstripe.

This brings implementation for OAuth2 with token management. ##Requires


using Composer: composer require heyday/silverstripe-vend:dev/master


First you need to sign up for a Vend developer account and create an app: https://developers.vendhq.com/

When you have done so, set your details in a yml config file under VendAPI.


mysite/_config/vend.yml :


  clientID: g6ohGHJgJHKtuyfUTYfjVjhGhfTUYfTU
  clientSecret: iyGFktyFKUYlguKHkjHUHUiGHKuHGKj
  redirectURI: admin/vend/authorise

Also map the route you have setup as a redirectURI in your Vend app to the Heyday\Vend\SilverStripe\Authorise_Controller. This controller handles the data returned by the Vend API when you first authorise the app to connect to your store.

eg if I have setup http://mysite.com/admin/vend/authorise as my RedirectURI on my Vend app:

mysite/_config/routing.yml :

Name: vendroutes
After: 'framework/routes#coreroutes'
    'admin/vend/authorise': 'Heyday\Vend\SilverStripe\Authorise_Controller'

After a dev/build and a flush you should have a new Menu called Vend Admin where the next steps of the setup are done.

You (or the owner of the shop) need to fill in the shop name, after which a link will appear. When you click on this link, you will be presented with a request for the app to access your shop. Once it is authorised, the first token is stored along the refresh token and the cycle starts.

Every time the connection is instantiate, it checks if the token has expired and gets a fresh one if needed. It does the same for the resfresh_token.


To use you just need to inject the Heyday\Vend\Connection where you want to use it and follow the docs of the VendAPI package for the other methods.


###injection config


      VendConnection: %$Heyday\Vend\Connection

###implementation in SomePage_Controller

    protected $vendConnection;

    public function setVendConnection($vendConnection)
        $this->vendConnection = $vendConnection;

    public function VendTest()
        $products = $this->vendConnection->getProducts();